Anthony Harris MA, LPC
Anthony (Tony) Harris specializes as an Anger Management Counselor. He is able to help clients, both male and female, learn to cope more effectively with their anger and learn coping strategies to better handle the stress in their lives. Tony understands how anger can consume your life. Anger can negatively impact your relationships both at home and at work.
As an Anger Management Counselor, Tony takes a practical approach while helping his clients regain control of their stress filled lives. Sessions with Tony get straight to the point. Unlike what you may experience with another Anger Management Counselor, Tony believes in no fluff, no wasted time, no dwelling on events from your past. You’ll be able to get right to the point of why you came to counseling in the first place—managing your anger so that you can live a happier, more fulfilling life and have deeper, more meaningful relationships.
Tony is also experienced working as a Couples Counselor, where he is skilled at putting together broken relationships. Whether you and your partner are struggling with infidelity, lack of trust, strained communication, or need to develop better conflict resolution skills, Tony is here to help you develop a stronger relationship as soon as you’re ready to start. Additionally, his background includes providing counseling to clients who have experienced a Traumatic Brain Injury and those diagnosed with a Developmental Disability. He is a provider for the local Traumatic Brain Injury Network and Heartland Counseling Center is an approved site. Tony works at the Cape Girardeau Main Office.
Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Oklahoma State University
Master’s Degree in Counseling from Pittsburg State University
Licensed Professional Counselor
RESPECT Institute Facilitator
Tony is married with two children. His hobbies include collecting sports memorabilia, traveling, listening to music, and spending time with his family.