What is Cognitive Behavior Therapy?
How do I know if I have an “Anxiety Disorder”?
How can Anxiety Counseling help?
How long before I start feeling better?
Why should I see an Anxiety Counselor when I could just take medication for my anxiety?
What are the costs for attending Anxiety Counseling?
What is Anxiety Counseling?
Anxiety Counseling varies based on the type of anxiety that you are dealing with. Many times, Anxiety Counselors use Cognitive Behavior Therapy to treat your anxiety. Anxiety Counselors at Heartland Counseling Center will also teach you relaxation skills, help you learn to make healthier lifestyle choices, and help you work through any underlying problems or trauma that may be causing your anxiety.
What is Cognitive Behavior Therapy?
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) addresses negative patterns in the way we see the world and ourselves. The basic idea behind CBT is that our thoughts (not external events) affect the way we feel, which then affects our behaviors. In other words, it’s not the event but our perception of the event that determines how we feel in a given situation.
For people with anxiety, negative ways of thinking fuel the negative emotions of anxiety and fear. The goal of CBT is for you to be able to identify and correct your negative thoughts and beliefs. If you can change the way you think, you will be able to change the way you feel and act.
Replacing negative thoughts with more realistic ones is easier said than done. Your negative thinking patterns have developed over years. It takes practice to break the habit.
Research has shown that Cognitive Behavior Therapy is effective in treating panic disorders, phobias, social anxiety, generalized anxiety, and many other conditions.
See our Cognitive Behavior Therapy page for more info on CBT.
How do I know if I have an “Anxiety Disorder”?
If you suffer from panic attacks, obsessive thoughts, relentless worries, or a debilitating phobia, you may have an anxiety disorder. If any of these things are impacting your daily life or relationships, then it may be time to seek the help of a trained Anxiety Counselor.
How can Anxiety Counseling help?
Anxiety Counseling can help you learn to control your anxiety levels, stop worrisome thoughts, and conquer your fears.
How long before I start feeling better?
The results of Anxiety Counseling depend on your type of anxiety and how severe it is. In general, people feel better and feel more in control of their anxiety in just 8-12 sessions.
Why should I see an Anxiety Counselor when I could just take medication for my anxiety?
Anxiety Counseling, unlike medication, treats more than just your anxiety symptoms. Anxiety Counseling will help you get to the underlying causes of your worries and fears. In Anxiety Counseling, we will help you learn how to relax, look at new situations in less frightening ways, develop better coping skills and more effective problem-solving skills. Anxiety counseling gives you the power to overcome your anxiety and not be reliant on medication to simply mask the underlying causes for the rest of your life.
What are the costs for attending Anxiety Counseling?
Please check out our general Counseling FAQ page for information regarding the costs of Counseling services.
For other general Frequently Asked Questions about Counseling, please visit our Counseling FAQ page.
And please feel free to Contact Us or call us at (573) 803 1246 if you have additional questions or need to schedule counseling services.